Sustainability & Our Producers

As we are committed to farm-to-table cuisine, we are continually looking for ways to improve our sustainability. We believe that these efforts go hand-in-hand — it’s a way of living we enjoy and encourage with our guests. As we support our local community farmers and producers, our footprint lessens, our local economy benefits, & the quality of our products is guaranteed much higher.  

Our Efforts Include —

Locally Sourcing Our Ingredients

We pride ourselves in sourcing as much of our ingredients as possible from local farms and producers. Not only is it important to know where your ingredients are produced, but the relationship built with farmers and makers is vital to continually supporting our agricultural community.

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

Daily service creates a lot of refuse — we return our food packaging to our partners for their reuse, recycle our office supplies & products, to-go packaging, & beverage bottles.

Composting Our Scraps

A given of farm-to-table cuisine, composting our food scraps ensures a rich fertilizer to not only our own garden, but the fields of our farmers. Keeping our locally sourced ingredients out of landfills and instead returned to the fields and neighbors that provide the ingredients we use everyday.

Implementing Water Purification Systems

We offer a water purification system that provides our property with clean, delicious still and sparkling drinking water, all done in-house. While this is not the most cost-effective option, we believe the benefits outweigh the cost. We no longer purchase single-use plastic bottles, and re-use our glass bottles. Read more about our system here.

Fresh flowers are an integral part of our manicured grounds.

Our Producers & Farmers

We value the relationships we have built with our local farmers & producers. After the Crabtree family purchased the property, the Kittle House became known for its farm-to-table cuisine, thanks to the beautiful local produce sourced from small farms throughout the Hudson Valley, New York State, & beyond. As word spread about the opportunity to work with The Kittle House, farmers flocked to our estate and now it has become a pillar of the farm-to-table community — our menu, centered around these high quality ingredients, reflects the hard work & dedication of these growers.

Our Restaurant and Inn are continually inspired by the passion and commitment of these talented individuals and are honored to offer these wonderful products on our seasonal menus that showcase their unparalleled quality.

Some of our growers include: